Sunday, November 28, 2010

Moving on Up.....Moving on Out....

Okay, so it's an old line, from an old song, but it's pretty much describing where I am now.

About two months ago, I sold the house I lived in for almost 11 years. This was followed very quickly by having to move out, into a rental town house (thanks to an amazing Real Estate agent....and not the one that sold the house, I have to mention.  I will never, in all good concience have anything good to say about them), and now it's only 3 weeks until I start "Moving on Up, Moving on Out".....of Sydney....for good....

My little family is moving "up" to Queensland, moving "out" of Sydney, and moving into a new and wonderful life.  It's hoped that this move into "warmer climes" will help my daughter's asthma, and even though I have been warned time and time again about the heat and humidity....I am very willing to deal with this, if it makes her health better.

Who knows - I might just lose the weight I have always wanted to, and the heat will mean no more "comfort food".  That can't be a bad thing, can it?

So, I wanted to thank every one of my friends before I go - all of those who have supported me, laughed and cried with me, and especially those who were always honest and truthful to me (even if it felt hurtful, I know that it came from the heart, and that I needed to hear those things from someone who cared enough to say the things they did).

With that in mind....Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Goodbye Sydney.  It's hard, it's heartbreaking, but I know it's worth it.


  1. Going to miss you so much :( But if it helps Rhi it will be SO worth it for you both. hugs and love, Trace xxx

  2. I need your new postal address then to send your Christmas card. Yes, I have some ready to send out. Have about 50 more to make though. My far away friends need to get theirs first!!!
